
Adolf Friðriksson


Adolf Friðriksson, PhD Sorbonne. Friðriksson has participated in excavations in the UK, France, Italy, Norway and Iceland, and has directed various excavations, survey and publication projects since 1989. He was a member of the board of directors of the Nordic World Heritage Office in Oslo 1999-2001. Adolf is the author of: Sagas and Popular Archaeology in Iceland (Avebury 1994), and co-author of Kuml og haugfé – Pagan Burials in Iceland (Mál og menning 2000, 2016).


Research interests: History of Archaeology, Landscape archaeology

Orri Vésteinsson

Board member

Orri Vésteinsson, PhD in History, UCL, MA in Archaeology from the Institute of Archaeology, UCL. He was awarded a Chair in archaeology at the University of Iceland in 2010. Orri has participated in research in the UK, Japan and Iceland, and directed many excavation, survey and publication projects in Iceland since 1989. Selected recent publications: Polity and Neighbourhood in Early Medieval Europe (ed with S. Brooks and J. Escalona, 2020), Minjaþing (2020). Since 2016 he is the editor of the journal Archaeologia Islandica.


Research interests: Social and economical history of medieval Iceland, Church history and settlement patterns.

Garðar Guðmundsson

Board Member

Garðar Guðmundsson, BSc. (Hons) in Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, London. Guðmundsson has participated in various research projects in the UK, Greenland and Iceland.

Research interests: Methods in palaeoenvironmental studies, Cereal cultivation in medieval Iceland.

Mjöll Snæsdóttir

Board member

Mjöll Snæsdóttir, Fil.Kand. in Archaeology and Ethnology, Uppsala. Snæsdóttir has participated in research in Norway, Sweden and Iceland. She was the director of the Stóraborg excavation 1978-1990, which is the largest salvage excavation project carried out in Iceland to date. Snæsdóttir was the editor of Árbók – The Archaeological Society Transaction – from 1993-2006

Research interests: Medieval archaeology

Gavin Lucas

Board member

Gavin Lucas, PhD in Archaeology from the University of Cambridge. Lucas has participated in various excavations in the UK, Italy, Turkey, S. Africa and Iceland. Selected recent puplications: Writing the Past (Routledge, 2019), Understanding the Archaeological Record (Routledge, 2012), ‘Later Historical Archaeologies of the North Atlantic’ (chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Historical Archaeology, 2017).

Research interests: Archaeological theory and method, The archaeology of the modern world.

Elín Hreiðarsdóttir
Head of survey

Elín Ósk Hreiðarsdóttir hefur unnið hjá Fornleifastofnun síðan 1996. Hún er með MA gráðu í fornleifafræði frá Háskóla Íslands. Elín er deildarstjóri fornleifa- og húsaskráningardeildar. Elín hefur unnið við fornleifaskráningu, húsaskráningu og ýmis uppgraftarverkefni.

Elín Ósk Hreiðarsdóttir, MA in Archaeology at the University of Iceland. Hreiðarsdóttir has worked at the FSÍ on various survey (including standing buildings) and excavation projects since 1996.

Research interests: Archaeological survey methods


Guðrún Alda Gísladóttir


Guðrún Alda Gísladóttir MA gráðu í fornleifafræði við Háskóla Íslands 2004. Hún stundar nú doktorarsnám við Durham Univ’ (UK). Guðrún hefur unnið við fornleifaskráningu og uppgrefti hjá Fornleifastofnun síðan 2001.

Guðrún Alda Gísladóttir, MA in archaeology from the Univ’ of Iceland. Since 2001, Gísladóttir has worked for The Institute of Archaeology, Iceland, primarily as a finds specialist and finds manager. She has also taught a  material culture module at the Univ’ of Iceland for several years.

Research interests: Artefact studies.

Gylfi Helgason


Gylfi Helgason er með MA gráðu í landsháttarfornleifafræði frá University of Leicester. Hann hefur aðallega unnið við fornleifaskráningu á Íslandi og við fornleifaskráningu standandi bygginga í Bretlandi.

Gylfi Helgason, MA in landscape archaeology Univ’ of Leicester. Gylfi has taken part in a raft of survey projects at the Institute and undertaken standing building surveys in the UK. His research interests lie within landscape archaeology, in particular in the use of novel methods to contribute to classical archaeological debates.

Research interests:
Built heritage; Landscape archaeology; Later historical archaeology


Hildur Gestsdóttir
Archaeologist; specialist – osteoarchaeology

Hildur Gestsdóttir, MS í beinafræði og fornmeinafræði frá háskólanum í Bradford 1998 og doktorspróf við Háskóla Íslands 2016. Hildur hefur mikla reynslu af mannabeinarannsóknum, en þær hefur hún gert fyrir Fornleifastofnun frá 1997, fyrir Þjóðminjasafnið, Bath Archaeological Trust á Englandi, Exeter Archaeology, Cornwall Archaeological Unit og Somerset County Council.

Hildur Gestsdóttir, MSc in Osteology, Palaeopathology and Funerary Archaeology from the University of Bradford 1998, and Phd from Univ’ of Iceland 2016. She has participated in excavations in Iceland, UK and Kenya. Gestsdóttir has extensive experience in the analysis of archaeological human remains for the FSÍ, National Museum of Iceland, Bath Archaeological Trust, Exeter Archaeology, Cornwall Archaeological Unit and Somerset County Council.

Research interests: Palaeopathology

Howell Roberts

Head of fieldwork

Howell M. Roberts er með BA gráðu í klassískum fræðum og fornleifafræði frá háskólanum í Liverpool og hefur starfað sem fornleifafræðingur síðan 1993. Fyrir utan uppgraftareynslu á Íslandi hefur Howell víðtæka reynslu af verkstjórn í björgunaruppgrefti í Bretlandi og reynslu af vísindarannsóknum og uppgrefti í Katar, Noregi og Frakklandi.

Howell M. Roberts has more than 20 years experience as a professional archaeologist – in both research and rescue projects, in Iceland, the UK, Norway, Qatar and France. Howell is a UK national of partly Icelandic descent, and has been living and working in Iceland since 1996.

Research interests: Methods, Iron Age architecture, medieval trade.

Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir


Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir er með MSc gráðu í efnismenningar- og gripafræði frá University of Glasgow. Hún hefur unnið sem gripasérfræðingur við uppgröft auk þess að sinna kennslu við Háskóla Íslands.

Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir, MSc in material culture & artefact studies from the University of Glasgow. Sveinsdóttir has worked as a finds specialist on a number of excavation projects as well as teaching at the University of Iceland.

Research interests: Medieval material culture

Hulda Björk Guðmundsdóttir

Hulda Björk Guðmundsdóttir er með MA gráðu í fornleifafræði frá Háskóla Íslands og B.Ed gráðu frá Kennaraháskóla Íslands. Hún hefur unnið við fornleifarannsóknir frá árinu 2016 ásamt því að skipuleggja fornleifafræðinámskeið fyrir börn og unglinga. Hún hefur unnið fyrir markaðs- og samskiptasvið Háskóla Íslands frá árinu 2017. Hún sat í stjórn Félags fornleifafræðinga frá árinu 2018 til 2020, sem formaður.

Hulda Björk Guðmundsdóttir, MA in archaeology from the Univ’ of Iceland in 2018. Hulda has worked in a wide array of archaeological project since 2016. She was the chairman of Society of Archaeologists in Iceland from 2018-2020.

Research interest: Artefact studies, excavations, aerial photography, public archaeology

Kristborg Þórsdóttir


Kristborg Þórsdóttir er MA gráðu í fornleifafræði frá Háskóla Íslands. Kristborg hefur unnið hjá Fornleifastofnun síðan 2008. Hún hefur unnið við fornleifaskráningu og uppgrefti.

Kristborg Þórsdóttir, MA in Archaeology at the University of Iceland. Þórsdóttir has worked for the FSÍ since 2008 on various survey and excavation projects

Research interests: Settlement patterns, Archaeology of travel

Lilja Björk Pálsdóttir


Lilja Björk Pálsdóttir er með BA gráðu í fornleifafræði frá Háskóla Íslands. Hún hefur unnið hjá Fornleifastofnun Íslands við uppgrefti og úrvinnslu frá 2003.

Lilja Björk Pálsdóttir, BA in archaeology from the Univ’ of Iceland. Pálsdóttir has worked on excavation projects for the FSÍ since 2003.

Research interests: Fisheries and illustrations.

Ragnheiður Gló Gylfadóttir


Ragnheiður Gló Gylfadóttir er með MA gráðu í fornleifafræði frá Háskóla Íslands. Ragnheiður hefur unnið hjá Fornleifastofnun Íslands frá árinu 2008. Hún hefur unnið við fornleifaskráningu og önnur tilfallandi verkefni.

Ragnheiður Gló Gylfadóttir MA in Archaeology at the University of Iceland. Gylfadóttir has worked for the FSÍ since 2008 on a wide array of survey and excavation projects.

Research interests: Medieval archaeology, Social archaeology.

Sólveig G. Beck


Sólveig G. Beck  er með doktorspróf í fornleifafræði frá Háskóla Íslands og MSc gráðu í jarðfornleifafræði frá Háskólanum í Reading. Hún hefur starfað við uppgrefti og fornleifaskráningu frá árinu 2003.

Sólveig Guðmundsdóttir Beck has PhD in archaeology from Univ’ of Iceland and MSc in geoarcheology from the University in Reading. Beck has worked on excavations and survey for the Institute since 2003.

Research interests: Chemical analysis and archaeological survey.


Stefán Ólafsson


Stefán Ólafsson er með MA próf í fornleifafræði frá Háskóla Íslands. Stefán hefur unnið hjá Fornleifastofnun Íslands síðan 2003. Hann hefur unnið bæði við uppgrefti og fornleifaskráningu.

Stefán Ólafsson has a MA in Archaeology from the Univ’ of Iceland. Ólafsson has worked for FSÍ since 2003, on a raft of excavations and various survey projects.

Research interests: Arrchaeological illustrations.